marshmallow leaves
(€6.00 ανα 100 gr)
The high content of mucilage in leaf attributes to them emollient properties. The mucilage has the ability to protect the soft tissue and to protect them from irritation and inflammation
Common name: Marshmallow
Other: Althaea
Botanical name: Althaea officinalis
demulcent, diuretic, emollient, urinary demulcent, expectorant, vulnerary
Leaves, Roots, & Flowers are all edible. The dried leaf or root made into a tea. The root is best as a cold infusion or a decoction. This enables the extraction of mucilage. Leaf or root as a poultice
The high content of mucilage in leaf attributes to them emollient properties. The mucilage has the ability to protect the soft tissue and to protect them from irritation and inflammation. Protects the soft tissue of the neck, lung, kidney and urinary tubules. Therefore recommended for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, runny nose and tickly cough and urinary problems such as infections of the urethra or kidney stones.
Specific: Should be taken with at least 250mL of liquid. Orally administered drugs should be taken 1 hour before use or several hours after, as marshmallow may slow the absorption.
General: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
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