Honey Honey of Oak tree MYRRO 011-006 €16.00 It has a characteristic full of flavor with aromatic notes of bitter caramel,an intense earthy aroma of Oak fruits and a special reddish-brown color that turns into a lovely caramel color after its crystallization Add to cart
Honey Honey of Oak tree-500gr MYRRO 011-013 €12.00 It has a characteristic full of flavor with aromatic notes of bitter caramel,an intense earthy aroma of Oak fruits and a special reddish-brown color that turns into a lovely caramel color after its crystallization Add to cart
Honey Thyme pelion honey MYRRO 011-014 1 Reviews €20.00 It is pure and natural, contains enzymes and inhibits bacteria in some circumstances. However, thyme honey is special because of it’s powerful antioxdant properties. The type of antioxidants found in thyme honey have been labelled “defensive antioxidants” . Add to cart
Honey Thyme honey MYRRO 011-012 €12.00 It is pure and natural, contains enzymes and inhibits bacteria in some circumstances. However, thyme honey is special because of it’s powerful antioxdant properties. The type of antioxidants found in thyme honey have been labelled “defensive antioxidants” . Add to cart
Honey Pine Honey with honeycomb MYRRO 011-010 €19.50 Pine tree honey is what we call a honeydew or forest honey. This just means the honey starts off in a slightly different way to more typical honeys. In this case, bees gather nectar from honeydew excreted by plant sucking insects like greenflies. The better known method of gathering nectar is by honey bees visiting the flowers of blooming plants. Honeydew... View
sales Honey Pine Honey MYRRO 011-009 €16.00 Pine tree honey is what we call a honeydew or forest honey. This just means the honey starts off in a slightly different way to more typical honeys. In this case, bees gather nectar from honeydew excreted by plant sucking insects like greenflies. The better known method of gathering nectar is by honey bees visiting the flowers of blooming plants. Add to cart
Honey Pine Honey-500gr MYRRO 011-018 €12.00 Pine tree honey is what we call a honeydew or forest honey. This just means the honey starts off in a slightly different way to more typical honeys. In this case, bees gather nectar from honeydew excreted by plant sucking insects like greenflies. The better known method of gathering nectar is by honey bees visiting the flowers of blooming plants. Add to cart
sales Honey Flower Honey MYRRO 011-005 €16.00 The familiar classic flower honey with its characteristic antiseptic properties and the wonderful scent. Add to cart